Healthcare For

All Starting At ₹25 Per Day

Simple, affordable and comprehensive healthcare for individual/family and small business
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Simple, affordable and comprehensive healthcare for individual/family and small business
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healthbee Digital Platform

Simple, affordable and comprehensive healthcare for individual/family and small business
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Healthcare In Need

Simple, affordable and comprehensive healthcare for individual/family and small business
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Easy Access To Healthcare

Simple, affordable and comprehensive healthcare for individual/family and small business
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healthbee - My Healthcare

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Breathe easy with pranayama

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Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K: The building blocks of your body

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Breakfast habits that could be impacting your gut health

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Can diabetes be reversed? Cutting carbs, exercising are key

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healthbee is a digital platform which aggergates different healthcare services into one sustained subscription program which subscribers can access quickly through an easy to use application and WhatsApp.

healthbee subscription is the payment made towards the usage of a digital platform for availng one sustained subscription program that consists of Preventive (RAKSHA) & Curative (SURAKSHA) Healthcare benefits. The subscription can be paid in a pocket friendly manner, Monthly or Yearly.

The healthbee subscription benefits consist of :
a) Keeping healthbee subscribers healthy through a sustained program of annual health check ups, acccess to tele-consultations and follow-ups from a Panel of qualified Doctors, online medicines at discounted prices along with free medicines up to the benefit value available for the package. This helps healthy living along with saving money and time.
b) As a healthbee subscriber one also gets access to Health Cover (for cashless or day care treatment in Network Hospitals) and also to healthcare loan.

healthbee is a state of the art digital platform aggregating best healthcare services available, which currently is not easily accesible or affordable for a very large section of population due to reasons such as cost of availing these services or paucity of time.
If you are looking for simple, affordable, comprehensive healthcare with value packed benefits, subscribing to healthbee- ‘My Healthcare’ is the way to go.

healthbee's Digital platform can be accessed directly by the subscriber and is also supported through Whatsapp. Once you login to the healthbee Digital Platform your healthbee benefits are visible in the utility section. You can start using your subscription benefits immediately.

healthbee is a digital platform which aims at providing preventive and curative Healthcare in a quick and convinient way. Its a sustained healthcare program to keep you and your family healthy through early detection of diseases or health conditions. By way of your subscription to healthbee you also have access to Health Cover and Healthcare Loans.

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